Look beyond the media
Good news doesn’t tend to make the front pages Sometimes depressing headlines can seem endless: refugee crises, elections, financial concerns and concerns about the suspected tax evasion by politicians. Ten Reasons to be Cheerful Here, Jim Parker, Vice President of Dimensional Fund Advisers Australia, gives us 10 developments in the modern world which have not...
Financial headlines are to grab attention
Not to be used as investment advice Many investors feel that they are not properly informed about the financial world unless they have checked daily, or even hourly, on how the Dow, FTSE, or Nikkei have moved in the intervening period. From minute to minute, market sentiment shifts in reaction to news—news about the economy,...
Father of modern finance awarded Nobel Prize for Economics
It was a proud day earlier this month when we heard that Dr Eugene Fama, sometimes referred to as the “father of modern finance”, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics. A happy endorsement of our approach to investing. The prize was also awarded to Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller. All three economists have...
No Forecast Allowed
The following article is from our friend Dan Wheeler www.wheelerwrites.com . Dan has an enormous amount of experience regarding the issues facing individual investors and this article highlights the danger of trying to make market forecasts. Every investor would love to know the future, and there is no shortage of “experts” willing to provide...
Active management, an inefficient form of foreign aid?
Richard Stott argues that passive management is a more stable and socially responsible approach to investment. Does Norges Bank Investment Management / NBIM's continued participation in the active buying and selling of investments go again social responsibility?
2011 market turmoil: “It’s deja vu all over again”
The financial markets are having one of their periodic periods of turmoil. This may cause many to panic and sell their investments. But not all is doom and gloom - economic progress continues. Richard Stott reassures investors to stay disciplined and stick to their strategies.

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Investment is not about winning, it’s about not losing
Experienced investors gradually realise that successful investing is not about winning, it’s about not losing. By avoiding mistakes and accepting the returns that the capital markets provide you will give yourself a huge advantage. Successful investing is about developing a process to improve your chances of a good investment experience and avoiding poor investment experiences...
Beware of statistics from financial product distributors
Product distributors stand to make huge amounts of money if they can convince individual investors like us to buy their product. The senior staff’s bonuses and the value of their share options depend upon persuading you to buy their product. Clever use of fund performance statistics is one of their most persuasive tools. Product distributors will...

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